Friday, August 21, 2009


Amazing is what they are. You may think it gets by them, escapes the realm they are bouncing around in.How many times have I heard "in one ear and out the other". They are truly little sponges always taking in information that is revolving around them and into their little heads. From one parent to another always "working it" they do know what they are doing at all times. They may plead insanity or a simple I forgot but they do know what is happening. A little sideways glance a quick pinch of a cheek or a simple bump of a hip to show a little bit of I'm in charge or you better know that's mine or your toast. I am truly amazed on a daily basis at how smart my kids are. They know when to really break out the charm and they know exactly what will melt you in a heartbeat. I hope they never change because as all three of them do this on a daily basis they all go about it in such different ways it is a sight only a parent can enjoy. The brash flat out straight forwardness of my daughter. The sly sneaky way my eldest son tries to pull stuff off. The sweetest kindest heart in the world of my middle son who shows so much emotion and caring it will break your heart. They are all so much a part of Blanca and I as well as the world they live in it is fun to see them grow and want to explore the exciting world they live in. I don't know if I ever want them to grow up......

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