Friday, August 21, 2009


Amazing is what they are. You may think it gets by them, escapes the realm they are bouncing around in.How many times have I heard "in one ear and out the other". They are truly little sponges always taking in information that is revolving around them and into their little heads. From one parent to another always "working it" they do know what they are doing at all times. They may plead insanity or a simple I forgot but they do know what is happening. A little sideways glance a quick pinch of a cheek or a simple bump of a hip to show a little bit of I'm in charge or you better know that's mine or your toast. I am truly amazed on a daily basis at how smart my kids are. They know when to really break out the charm and they know exactly what will melt you in a heartbeat. I hope they never change because as all three of them do this on a daily basis they all go about it in such different ways it is a sight only a parent can enjoy. The brash flat out straight forwardness of my daughter. The sly sneaky way my eldest son tries to pull stuff off. The sweetest kindest heart in the world of my middle son who shows so much emotion and caring it will break your heart. They are all so much a part of Blanca and I as well as the world they live in it is fun to see them grow and want to explore the exciting world they live in. I don't know if I ever want them to grow up......

Monday, August 17, 2009

Draft day signings for baseball. Wow the Padres pulled it off and got them signed. I did not think they would fork out the money but I am really glad they did.

All three kids are in school now and the chaos is still here. Now it's running them to and from school for Blanca and I hope she gets a little free time to her self during the day.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Today was a great day. Actually the entire weekend was great. Spent it with family doing local things around San Diego. Makes me wish all of us lived closer so we could do it more often. Time and money always seem to be the big hurdle for just visiting let alone living near each other. I love my kids to know and love their cousins, Aunts and Uncles. I have many great memories growing up in Illinois with my cousins I hope they will have the same ones.

Tomorrow is back to reality and off to work. Hopefully something good will pop up, I could use it. Gotta beat the street and make some money this being poor stuff sucks.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


They are the escape for somebody working Monday thru Friday. The refuge away from reality. Only at a time like this in a situation with no easy way out, is there an escape? I guess when they say a healthy family is the key to happiness I agree but when the world you have built from hard work for that family comes to a crashing hault it feels like you failed them and yourself. Hardwork had always been a way out but in a time like this in an economy like this it isn't working and I don't know what to do. I am happy I have a healthy family and I love them. I just wish I could figure out what to do.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

help is on the way

My dad recently did a great thing for my family and I can't think him enough. I guess my whole problem is the fact my kids are missing out on what Grandparents should be. I had good Grandparents growing up and I want my kids to have the same.

Trying to reason with a 6 year old to do homework is a big pain in the ass. I want him to be motivated to know this will help him and for us to do it together, right. I wish I knew of some secret to help him out, I know he's tired and just wants to play but it has to be done. He is such a good boy I just want him to get everything in life, I know he's only 6 but this is the crap I think about.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

What the Hell

I have no idea why I am doing this but I guess it must be a way to get some thoughts out. I will get back in a while on a topic I feel I want to elaborate on.